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Feb 24, 2017

Angela Keaton of comes to visit Kelly and Kari in Aguada, and shares some stories of her own travels. There are bike rodeos, sex hotels, road trips to Canada, run ins with Portuguese law enforcement, and weird foods that may or may not be accompanied by creamy sauces.

Angela also gets into what it’s like...

Feb 22, 2017

Kelly and Kari have learned A LOT on this leg of Workation – including the fact that they made a lot of mistakes along the way and didn’t realize it until it was almost too late. Did they witness a gang fight on horses? How safe were they, actually, in Puerto Rico?

The ladies learned the hard way that you should...

Feb 22, 2017

It’s said that necessity is the mother of invention, and in this episode Kari and Kelly talk about the travel hacks they gave birth to on the road. What’s the best way to make ice when you have no ice cube trays? How do you watch your must-see TV when you don’t get the channel at your Airbnb and it’s not...

Feb 22, 2017

Kari and Kelly talk about the culture, vibe and food in Augada. Do you know what “chicken of the trees” is? The answer to that question is horrifying, and costs $18 per pound. Plantains are everywhere, and they’re mostly fried. Kelly tries her first beach coconut, Kari encounters free-range horses and donkeys at...

Feb 22, 2017

Kari and Kelly discuss saying goodbye, getting on planes, having at least (1) existential crisis...all from Aguada, Puerto Rico! After five months of planning, it’s finally happened: Workation 2017 has begun.

This episode covers Kari and Kelly’s personal and professional goals for Workationing, plus what the...